Monday, January 28, 2008

Long time no talk...

Wow, so I have been a really bad blogger! It's been over a month since I have posted anything! I figured I better get on here and give everyone a little update....

Mostly we have been getting ready for the baby. I am 32 weeks pregnant, only 8 more to go! I am so excited and so nervous at the same time! We are working on getting the baby room done, which seems to be going a lot slower then I'd like it to, but it will get there. Once we've made some progress I'll post some pictures. Oh, and for those of you who don't know we are having a girl, I don't think I ever posted anything after we had our ultrasound done. As far as names go, hopefully we'll agree on something at least by the time she is born! haha.

We're also trying to get the hall bathroom finished before the baby gets here. It has been completely gutted for quite some time now, but poor Steven works so much that he hardly has anytime to work on it. He is determined to get it done. He's made quite a bit of progress this past month and plans on working on it quite a bit this week. It's getting so close! I'll also post the pics of the entire progress once we get it finished. I'm so excited, it's going to look so nice!!

Really not much else exciting is going on. Just the normal day to day things. I hate that I don't have one single picture to put up with this post, especially since I got a new camera for Christmas. Boo on me for not using it more! We've got some other exciting changes coming up, but can't quite post about those yet, so stay tuned.

Hope all is well with everyone, and I'll try to be a better blogger. Oh, I'm also going to have Steven take a belly shot of me so I can show you all how huge my belly is!


The Kelly Family said...

I wondered where you'd been. I can't believe you only have 8 weeks left. Ryan and I have the worst time agreeing on names, too. EVERY name I like reminds him of someone, or he says its "too Utah" because it is a little uncommon. To me, he likes the plainest most boring names ever. I might not consult him next time we're naming a child. Remember, they give YOU the social security card form in the hospital. You could just fill it out and tell him what the name is later. J/K. Good luck :)

Mark & Shalon said...

I want to see pictures of your belly!!! I think pregnant belly's are adorable! And I can't wait to see pictures of the new little one.

Kristin Rose said...

Wow it is getting close! Good luck getting all your projects done. Can't wait to see pictures of the baby shortly! What an exciting time for you and Steven.

Wade Huff said...

Well this is a totally radom comment but I just wanted to say hi. This is wade huff from stevens mission and I was looking at some blogs and I saw steven and tiffany astle so i thought i would see if it was the steven astle i knew. And it was, anyway just wanted to say hi. Oh and congrats on the baby.