Below is just a cute picture of Ava in front of our tree we took last Sunday before church.
She was very excited to carve pumpkins! She wasn't too excited about all the slime inside, but loved that I let her sit on the table. She is always climbing onto the table and I am constantly pulling her off, so she thought it was pretty cool that I was allowing her to sit on the table that night.
Yes, I am pregnant! I'm sure this is old news to everyone, but since I have never made the official announcement on my blog I decided I better do it. I am 23 weeks I think? Or maybe 24? I have been so bad at keeping up on how many weeks I am this time. It looks like it's going to be another girl, I was secretly hoping for a boy. During the ultra sound she had her feet crossed, so we didn't get a super clear view. But, we are pretty sure it's a girl. Don't get me wrong I am very excited to have another girl, but it's just hard to imagine having another baby girl to melt our hearts like our baby girl has. I know though, that as soon as she is in my arms she will fill our hearts just as much as Ava has. Plus, it is so nice to have everything we'll need, I don't need to worry about getting a bunch of boy stuff. My due date is April 8th, four days after Ava's 2nd birthday! Crazy! I hope they will grow up to be close friends. As for a name, we have a few that we are thinking about, but nothing official yet.
Ava update: She is 20 months and busy as ever!! She keeps me on my toes!! Talking like crazy, she is starting to put two and three words together to make short sentences, she can count to 10, and knows most of her animal noises. She loves baby dolls and playing outside or working in the garage with her daddy. She is so funny, she would love, if I let her, to put on a dress and all her accessories and then go out in the garage or in the yard and work with Steven. He has a few tools that he lets her carry around and "help" him work on things. I think she will be a good mix of girly girl that's not afraid to get dirty. I don't think she really understands yet that she is going to be a big sister, but if you ask her where the baby is she'll point to my stomach. She is such a strong willed little girl, which can be very frustrating at times, but I love spending all day with her and watching her learn and grow.
We are all decorated and getting ready for Christmas! I love this time of year! We have so much going on this month, I plan on being better at blogging our happenings. I hope all of you are enjoying this Christmas season and hopefully we'll get to see some of you that we don't see often!
Sorry for the very random blog, but after not blogging for five months it's hard to know where to start and what to say. So heres to a fresh start of blogging for me!
Congrats on the baby news. We are expecting again as well. Our due date is 5 days after Emerson's. Funny how that works sometimes. Hope all is well and hope to get more updates on your family.
Yay for the update!!
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