Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Still not here....

Just a quick baby update...I am now two days past my due date! I went to the Dr. yesterday, he said I was just barely one cm dilated and my cervix was about 50% thinned. But, told me not to get excited because it's possible to stay that way for another few days to a week or more! I am soooo ready! He also told me that she is going to be a big baby, he is guessing around 8.5 to 9 lbs! I'm actually not freaking out about that too much, I don't know why but I kinda expected to have a big baby. So we'll see... I have a picture of my belly that we took on my due date, so I could document how big it is, but I don't have it loaded on my computer yet, I'll try to get it on here today sometime.
Hope all is well with everyone! After looking at all your blogs it looks like everyone had a great Easter!!


Alexis said...

I am so sorry that you have past your due date. I went 2 days over with Megan and it is the worst feeling ever. You feel huge, tired, and then a little grumpy and upset that the baby is not coming out when it should have. Hang in there, I hoep that she comes soon, you should treat yourself to your favorite whatever just to brighten up the day, maybe some canoila(sp?) oil, and mexican food! Good luck with the delivary, I'm excited to see pictures when she finally does come!

The Kelly Family said...

I'm sorry your overdue!! You could try some home remedies... I would start walking, or running, jumping on a trampoline, or clean your house. I've heard caster oil works, too, but that totally grosses me out. No one wants to be pregnant any longer than they have to be, but it's worth the wait. Good luck and it really is any day now :)

Nic & Kandis said...

oh my gosh...you are so patient! good luck!

Mark & Shalon said...

good luck! i can't wait to see pictures of your new addition to your lil family!

Linda Kelly said...

Can't wait to see the little girl!! If I were you I would really be concerned about the size of that little girl. You may not be worried now but when you try to push something that big out you know where I guarantee you will be concerned!! You'll be just fine. Keep telling yourself that!! Where is that belly shot anyway????