Saturday, April 4, 2009

A year already!


here she is a few hours old
here she is now
I can't believe that our baby girl is a year today!? It is crazy how fast the year goes by! She is such a sweet girl, and we are so thankful everyday to have her as our daughter.
Unfortunately we had to cancel her birthday party that we were going to have for her this afternoon. She caught the rotarvirus from one of the daycare kids. It's so sad that she is sick on her birthday! Good thing she doesn't know what she is missing. I think I am the one that is the most sad. :( But, on a good note she is doing much better this afternoon then she was this morning. I'm hopeful that it will be short lived. The rotarvirus is something that babies get vaccinated for. Ava has had all three of her rotarvirus vaccinations. The daycare boy has not had any of his, he caught a really bad case of it and has been in the hospital for three days now. We are hoping that since Ava has had her vaccinations it won't get that bad for her. And seeing how much better she is acting this afternoon makes me feel much better.
So as soon as we are able to have the birthday party I will post the pictures. And for those of you who are wondering...she is not walking yet, I'm thinking it's still going to be another month or so, she's close but not that close. So we'll see! I just hope she is all better soon!


Mike and Christy said...

Wow, I can't believe she is a year old already! We hope she gets better soon so she can have a nice party.

Alexis said...

What a bummer way to spend your birthday. But you are right, she won't remember. I hope that she gets over it and doesn't have to go to the hospital. Happy Birthday Ava!

Natalie, Jon, Emma, Grace and Seth said...

congrats on a year! it's a huge milestone cause so much changes that first year. hope she gets better soon, and eat her cake for her!!!

Brigette-boo said...

That really stinks she got sick! Its always frustrating when things like that happen. She is so darn cute!