Monday, November 8, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Steven: What are you?
Ava: I'm a princess and I looove it!
Steven: You love it?
Ava: Yes, I'm just so happy!
She keeps us laughing.
Monday, October 4, 2010
We are still here!

Here is a silly picture of Steven and I at a party we had a couple weeks ago at our friends house. They had this couch set up outside with a box full of props for everyone to use for pictures. It was hilarious! Such a fun party!!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
My girls!

Friday, June 11, 2010
1. Steven's b-day
2. Pics of Sage and her crazy growing...she's huge!
3. Ava's two year pics.
4. Camping over memorial day weekend.
5. Potty training
6. Ava's new need to dress herself everyday
7. Sage's new born photo shoot.
8. Oh, yeah, and I'd still like to get Easter on here.
Yeah, I know a lot. But, I'm really going to try to get to it.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Introducing Sage Allison
I was due on Thursday April 8th...still had not had her by Monday the 12th, had a Dr. appt. that Monday morning. The Dr. said he would induce me on Wed. if I did not go into labor before that on my own. By that point I had just given up on going into labor and figured I would just have to be induced again. But, the baby had other plans. I started having contractions Monday around 4:30pm, they continued all evening and continued to get more intense as the night went on. We went to the hospital around 11pm I was dilated to a 3. Finally got my epidural around 3am at that point I was a dilated to a 6. So I was able to rest most of the night while my body progressed. I was ready to have her at 8:30 that morning, and little did I know that my epidural had completely worn off from my waste down. So I felt EVERYTHING while I was pushing her out and getting sewn up! I was not expecting that at all, but in the long run it was better because I was able to push her out in 15 min! So all in all, everything went very smoothly and she is healthy and happy. I have healed so much faster this time and feel great!
I am so thankful that the entire process went so much faster then when I had Ava! Here are a few pictures from the hospital and our first few days at home.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Okay, so I haven't exactly done a very good job in keeping my blog up to date. But I'm doing one now!
Ava update:
She will be two on Sunday the 4th! I can't believe my baby is two! We had a little party for her last Saturday. It was a really nice day, we BBQ'd in the backyard at my parents house and had a great time hanging out. She was very spoiled by everyone! Here are a just a few pictures from the party.
She is talking like crazy! I can't believe how many things she says now and understands, she amazes me everyday. She can be very stubborn sometimes and throw quite the screaming fit, but most of the time she really is very easy and listens to me very well. She loves hanging out with Steven while he is working outside, she will play out there for hours! She loves to help me around the house, sometimes her helping can really slow me down, haha...but I love that she is so happy to help me, I hope it lasts! Her new thing is to say "what's this?" She walks around the house pointing at anything and everything saying "what's this?". She also loves when there are airplanes flying over the house, she gets so excited and says "air plane mommy, air plane!". Those are just a few things that I can think of right now that she is doing. We love this little girl more and more everyday! I really can't wait to continue to watch her grow up and see how she is as a big sister! Which leads me to the pregnancy update....
I am one week away from my due date and so done being pregnant!! I want this little girl to come out now!! haha. This pregnancy has been very physically hard on me, my body is very tired and sore all the time. I know that it is because I take care of all those daycare kiddos everyday and I probably lift them way too much and should have slowed down a lot sooner then I have, but that's hard to do! I am 1cm dilated, the Dr. says my cervix is very soft and that the baby is very low, soooo I'm hoping it will be sooner then later. We shall see...